How far in advance do I need to order a dumpster?

We try to offer same-day service at times, though a minimum of 24 - 48 hr notice is appreciated.

How do you charge for roll-off containers?

Approximate Pricing

Location Within City Limits Price (Size 15-20 Yard Dumpster Base) Price (Size 30-40 Yard Dumpster Base) Landfill Fee based off actual weight
North La Crosse, WI $265.00 $295.00 Dumpster Base Price Plus Landfill Fee Based off Weight = $64/Ton
Onalaska, WI $265.00 $295.00 Dumpster Base Price Plus Landfill Fee Based off Weight = $64/Ton
West Salem, WI $265.00 $295.00 Dumpster Base Price Plus Landfill Fee Based off Weight = $64/Ton
Holmen, WI $265.00 $295.00 Dumpster Base Price Plus Landfill Fee Based off Weight = $64/Ton

Typically $5/mile extra outside of these areas; call for a quote, some deals available for repeat or monthly clients

Demolition available: Charged at approximately $130/hour depending on location, Call for a quote

Street Permits: If the dumpster can be placed off the street, permit fees will not apply. If the only option is to place it on the city street, a permit fee will be required from the city. City charges may vary, approximately: $45

Credit Card Convenience Fee: 3%

ACH Fee: 1%

No Fee for Cash or Check

Additional Fees for certain items may vary:

- Tires $10 per Tire 

- Mattress or Box Springs $18 Typically per item 

- Televisions, VCR’s, DVD players, Stove, Freezer, Fridge, Computer, Printer, & Freon items $25 Typically per item 

- CPU’s, monitors and computer accessories

- Lithium Ion Batteries

- Fax machines and printers

- Cell phones

- Fluorescent light bulbs or tubes

- Lead acid batteries

- Waste oil

- Oil filters          

Dumpster Rentals = 1 week Rental, during peak season, April 1st - Nov. 15th, $10/Day after the 7 days


Yes, by law, we can not accept certain items including: 

- Liquid wastes - Paint, Paint Thinners 

- Septic tank wastes

- Toxic and hazardous wastes (by definition), medical wastes

- Materials already separated out for recycling

- Railroad ties greater than 8 ft. in length will not be accepted without prior approval.

- Petroleum Impacted Soils

- Stumps – greater than 18” in diameter or with excess dirt

- Concrete that has been painted or coated, concrete with significant mesh/rebar

Items which are defined as unacceptable except in household quantities:

-Acids, Chemical material, Oil sludge, Ash Cleaning fluids, Paints, Caustic material, Poisons, Unwanted medications

Ag Plastics, Explosives, Animal Remains Human Remains Radioactive Material, Infectious Waste, Regulated Hazardous Waste, Biological Waste, Lithium-Ion Batteries, Tarps, Car Batteries, Long Plastic Stringers, Carpet

See attachment for full details from La Crosse County Solid Waste (A link to the attached document could pull up the full details.)

Contact us if you have any questions regarding allowable materials.

Are there materials that may not be placed in the dumpster?

What areas do we serve?

Within 45 miles of Onalaska, WI, Call for quote outside of this area 

Including but not limited to:

Brownsville, MN

Caledonia, MN

Cataract, WI

Coon Valley, WI

Galesville, WI

Holmen, WI

La Crescent, MN

La Crosse, WI

Melrose, WI

Onalaska, WI

Sparta, WI

St. Joseph, WI

Stoddard, WI

Tomah, WI

Trempealeau, WI

West Salem, WI

Have any other questions? Call us at 608-790-5865 today!

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